So, I've just started training for the MS Walk in September. It's rather involved- you walk 50 miles over the course of 3 days. I'm doing it with my mom and dad and (hopefully) with our cousin Susie :) This past week, which was week 1 of my training, I managed to get 8.2 miles in. This was squeezed around Eli's surgery, being on call and working, getting stuff for school done, and just keeping the family homestead together. I got an awesome treadmill from my friend Vanessa which will be a big help as I can walk when Eli is sleeping in the morning. But this morning, after my dear child got up at 5:15 and decided it was time to start the day, we had plenty of time for a morning walk before his nap.
The first reason I named this 'One Good Walk' is because not only does it give me a sense of accomplishment to wrangle my slightly sick (cold/cough) toddler into socks, jacket, blanket, and finally stroller accompanied by milk, goldfish, and minkie, but I walked my long town walk today- that's about 2.6 miles. Not bad! The second reason this blog is so named is that while we were walking, it started to rain. Not a deluge but definitely wet. With my fleece draped over the stroller front, Eli remained warm, dry, and happy for the duration of the rain. I, on the other hand, must have looked like a drowned rat because not one but TWO people stopped in their cars to ask if I needed a ride! Isn't that amazing? One nice lady even turned onto my street, going out of her way to see if I needed help. It's things like this that really revive your faith in humanity!
So, that's why Eli and I really did have a good walk, no, make that a great walk this morning. Now, he's down for a nap and I better get showered and get rid of the soaked clothes!
PS- My next blog is going to be pictures of Dylan and I's first attempt at cutting Eli's hair. Funny, right?
Slow Start
1 week ago
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