So, I'm stealing another quick blog post idea from my dearest friend Pam and am going to let you all in on one of my typical-ish Tuesdays. Yes, I know Tuesday was yesterday, but today was rather un-typical and not as exciting so just hush up and read on if you're interested :)
6am- Up with Eli, give him milk to drink so that I can doze on the couch instead of mustering up the energy to actually feed him. Tell myself he probably doesn't really want to eat that early in the morning anyway...
Between 6:30 & 7:30- Put Eli in highchair, feed him cereal/fruit/more milk. Clean him up. Change diaper/clothes. Do hair(mine)/face/teeth(both). Get myself dressed. Load car with stuff/baby. On the road to Pam's by 8am to allow time for a mocha and yes, a mocha was a must that day....
Mornings with CJ/Eli/Eva- These involve feedings the boys, greeting Eva at 9am when she arrives, playing amongst the children, changing 2 diapers, laying down Eli, laying down Eva, laying down CJ, taking deep breath, and giving thanks that all three are down at the same time! Can just feel the crowd's amazement....
Lunch- Sister and brother-in-law came for lunch and brought delicious DQ. Must have forgotten to let the kids know so they all woke up 20 minutes before she got there and appeared to be starving- thus the scene when Cammie arrived was Eli and CJ in their seats and Eva on a hip with a large bowl of Chef Boyardee, one spoon, and three orange faces. Lunch is a success and then on to the next big endeavor- the pool!
12:45 to 2:30- Babies are sun screened, undressed, redressed, and wrestled to the pool. Once there, everyone is a fan of the water despite 2-year-old bullies, manic 3-year-olds, and 30-year-olds who clearly could care less what their manic bullying children are up to. After playing, snacking, and playing more, the undressing, redressing, and wrestling 3 greasy kids back home commences.
3pm- Two boys go down for an awesome nap. Eva decided against the nap and headed to the store with her mama- then on to her own bed.
4:45- Boys are up, still greasy, and seem ready for the next adventure. filled diapers are changed and unfilled cups are replenished then on the road to Mahomet.
5:15- Dinner with Dylan and the boys. The pork tenderloin was a hit, the green beans were not. Eli flipped his chair backwards and this necessitated holding him for the next 30-87 minutes as well as doing dishes with him in tow. Hence the back pain....
7:15- Bath time, play time, diaper time, pajama time, milk time to the second power.
7:45- Pam arrives for her little guy, chatting around whining (mine) and crying (still mine). She heads out with hers and mine gets into bed about 8:15pm.
8:30 to 10:30- Work on school, doze off repeatedly during my editing, decide this might mean that there isn't really any learning occurring....
10:30- Clean up house, pack back for tomorrow.
11:00- Read my book, hate myself for staying up so late, lights off at 11:30 anyway......
So there is my fun-filled day with my boys! You needn't tell me if you dozed off during this post, I have re-read it, and in my sleep-deprived state think it is utterly interesting so let's go with that! :)
1 week ago
I LOVED it! No dozing off for me! Although, that may be because I was reading about my dear friend, her baby, my baby, her sister, and her sister's baby :D
I feel like you really pack it all into a day! I'm continually impressed by how you do it. Seriously! Simultaneous naps, multiple car sounds busy but it also sounds like so much fun.
Had to laugh at the 30-87 minutes thing--too funny!
Also, love your blog design! Too cute!!
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