I started this blog to write about my darling child, and in a round-about way I suppose I have although probably nothing he'll want to read about when he's a teenager (lengthy post about poo? Check!). So tonight I've decided to update you on what Eli is up to. If Eli had a personal profile on facebook this is what it would look like.....
Activities: Eating, sleeping, pooping, playing, hangin' with my peeps Eva and CJ, laughin' at my dad, sucking on my toes, and just a few days ago I discovered how to whine (mommy loves it)
Interests: I am interested in a multitude of things for .45 seconds at a time. Keep the new toys/items coming: rattles, stuffed animals, books, baggy full of gobstoppers, motrin bottle, junk mail (mommy gets desperate)
Favorite Music: I have to listen to mommy's music- some Augustana crap- thanks for nothin' Uncle Eric!
Favorite TV Shows: I used to love the TV, now I could take it or leave it. I believe the change in interest is that I can't shove the TV in my mouth which is all I really enjoy doing with anything anymore...
Favorite Movies: No movies yet, if any get watched at my house I have to be in bed.
Favorite Books: Hmmm, this is a toughie, I love my Pajama Time book, the cardboard is so satisfyingly firm but then any magazine is also acceptable. If you can suck off small pieces of paper and then cough and choke on them count me in.
Favorite Quote: When mommy said "Oh crap" and I actually had, all over myself and my carseat. Aunt Cammie likes that one too.
About Me: In summary, I am an adorable baby boy who just learned to sit up a few weeks ago, loves to eat anything and everything in the babyfood aisle, will smile at absolutely anyone (even the nurse who gave me shots) and is a champion at going to sleep now (mommy still loves Dr. Ferber)
1 week ago
Again...I laughed out loud! Love it! If you need me to send some old magazines, I'd be happy to!
We'd like to add a "restuarant" section to the free food/supplies listing:
Toys - sugar packets, spoons (preferably the round end), straws, lids, and napkins (pieces can be sucked off and choked on - check!)
Supplies - napkins, preferably cloth (can be used as a blanket, a minky, or a privacy screen in case the diaper has to be changed in situ!)
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